Nominated 2013

The PecksAll three men, father and two sons attended Berlin schools. They were involved in the C.A. Peck Hardware Co. and Peck’s Hardware Manufacturing Co. Fred drew the patterns for the first rural mailboxes which are still used today. Their involvement in the hardware business led them to help organize the Wisconsin Retail Hardware Association and the National Hardware Association. C.A. and later Louis, served as President for both organizations and had their offices on the second floor of their building on the southwest corner of Pearl and Huron Sts. in Berlin.

Because of the difficulty in finding fire insurance for their businesses, the hardware men of the state formed the Wisconsin Dealers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. C. A. served as the first secretary. This insurance company is today known as Sentry Insurance Co.

Through the years the Pecks stood for what was best for Berlin and worked for its good and that of its people.